Ghost Chasers of Pennsylvania


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We were originally established in November of 2006 as Susquehanna Valley Pennsylvania Ghost Watch a research and investigation group. At that time we started with just 3 Investigators.

By 2010, we had grown to 5 investigators and 6 members. That's when we changed our name to Ghost Chasers of Pennsylvania, and we still continue to grow.

Recently, we've broadened our search beyond Harrisburg. Our teams now operate in several areas around Northern and Southern Central Pennsylvania and Northern Maryland.


Our investigators have experience ranging from 3 to 30 years investigating the paranormal and the unexplained. Some of our investigators and our members have other abilities as well, such as Mediumship and Energy Sensing and come from various religious backgrounds. Some have also furthered their education to study exorcism and occult magic. This has broadened the range of skills and knowledge to our group.


These abilities and knowledge of both our investigators and members helps us to figure out what kind of spirits we are dealing with while investigating. We also feel this is extremely helpful for investigating places where negative occult practices and sacrifices have occurred and how to deal and remove unwanted spirits that were left out to roam free.

Our mission is to work with individuals who are experiencing paranormal activity to either explain or confirm their activity. We investigate and donate our time to gain a better understanding of the paranormal world and all associated activity. We will always be professional, courteous, non judgmental and work toward identifying each individuals need.

We are here to help those in need and give those a peaceful way of living.




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Webpage updated 10-7-13